art + agroecology is a multi-faceted homestead and studio that began as a refuge and is becoming a destination. Driven by life’s windier roads, Joslyn and NaKona returned to the land in 2016 to nourish their creativity and greening pursuits, and activate the reciprocity that lies deep within the ethos of sustainability. We are learning as artists, farmers, and stewards to embrace and share the crossover of these truths:

  • To practice, one must generate space, resources, and sustenance.

  • To produce, one must offer patience, vitality, and labor.

  • To renew, one must maintain the delicate balance that is ever at play with all species and ensure to the best of their ability, that we take less and give more.

nurture + opportunity

With time we have grown in our practice, production and renewal and offer creative services and programs on site and a collection of artifacts. This extension is intended to nourish dreams and demonstrate the means from which we can all sustain. Due to the limited and intimate nature of our homestead and studio, invites and appointments must be secured before visitation. Add your email below to be notified or contact us here with your question or request.